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Wow! Exemption from fines for tourists on the roads of the Riviera Maya !!

    There is a regulation in the state of Quintana Roo which gives exemption from fines to tourists so good news when you rent a car, no tickets !!

    If the police arrest you for a minor offense , for example if you are not wearing your seatbelt, talk on the phone while driving, get lost in a single phone, etc. they should only give you a warning. Please only provide the vehicle documents to the agents and your driver’s license. Don’t give them money! They cannot give you a ticket or take you to the police station unless you have committed a major offense such as speeding or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

    If you have done nothing serious and the police officer tells you that he will give you a ticket and take your driver’s license, simply tell him that you are apologizing, that you have no money on you. And if he insists, tell him that you know the regulations for tourists. You can also show him the written rules (link below) which is in all my rental cars. If he still insists, write down his name, day, time, place and patrol number to give the information to the manager of your establishment. But usually if you’re only patient and say you don’t understand anything, they give up pretty quickly and let you go.

    But just because these regulations exist and you are on vacation does not mean that everything is allowed! There is still a traffic code to follow. There are speed limits that are strictly enforced in hotel areas, in the busiest areas where pedestrians are most likely to cross the road. Check for road signs especially when traveling through these areas and do not exceed the speed limit.

    Pay attention to the signaling, speed bumps (Topes), one-way lanes (Una via), stops (Alto), etc. Always wear your seatbelt, no cell phone while driving, and especially do not drive not under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

    You can go to the following articles to get some tips for driving in the region here,  

    12 Tips for Driving in Playa del Carmen


    How to Drive in Harmony with the Police in Playa del Carmen

    So please respect the rules for your safety.

    Driving in the area is very easy and safe. Good road!

    Here are the written rules.



    Artículo 241. – Se establece en el Estado; the Boleta de Infracción de Cortesía that the Dirección de Tránsito, in su jurisdicción respectiva aplicará exclusivamente a los Turistas that infrinjan el Reglamento de Tránsito.

    The Boleta de Infracción de Cortesía no implica costo alguno al que se impone, siendo su objetivo señalar la violación cometida y exhortar a conducir cumpliendo con las reglas de Tránsito. The Sanción de Cortesía es aplicada hasta en dos ocasiones al mismo vehículo y / o conductor y no procede en los casos de actos y omisiones graves contrarios a lo as dispone el presents Reglamento.

    Artículo 242 .- Todo el personal de tránsito tendrá la obligación de prestar información que requiera el Turista, para localización de calles, dependencias, hotels o en su caso indicando las carreteras o entronques de las mismas que agilice su tránsito dentro y fuera de la entidad .

    Artículo 243 .- Las Autoridades Municipales proverán lo conducente a efecto que las medidas que que refieren los artículos anteriores, queden incluidas en plus reglamentos correspondientes su su jurisdicción.